Customer-owned Banking

Enabling customer-owned banking for over 30 years


Customer-owned banks, including mutual banks and credit unions, were originally established to support various professions, local communities and provide excellent customer service. Their community focus is what differentiated these mutual ADIs from the big banks.

However, all financial institutions, big or small, are licensed by the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA). Customer-owned banks carry the same responsibility of upholding compliance, safeguarding security, and minimising downtime for their members each and every day.

Experteq has been a dedicated partner of the Australian-owned ADI sector for over 30 years and is owned by banking organisations within Australia. Our origins lie in hosting and managing core infrastructure, and we remain committed to the ongoing support of the sector as it navigates the new challenges of an increasingly digital world.

We understand the evolving requirements of ADIs and the opportunities that lie ahead for the sector. Our experience and expertise allow us to provide complete ICT solutions that deliver a secure and compliant digital future for these organisations and their members.

What lies ahead for the sector

Increased digital transformation across the industry has resulted in a greater need for cyber security and compliance and it will remain so for the foreseeable future, as threats become more complex and sophisticated.

Planning for the future also requires ADIs to adapt and innovate in other areas. As the modern workplace evolves to become more customer-focused and increasingly hybrid, long-term success for ADIs will depend on their ability to stay one step ahead of disruption at all times.

Key concerns for the sector

Preventing human vulnerabilities from being exploited

Cyber criminals are now using AI and deepfake technologies to exploit human vulnerabilities as a way of undermining the security posture of organisations. Industry leaders must ramp up cyber security training and awareness efforts in order to respond to these threats.

CPS 230 comes into effect June 2025

The new CPS 230 regulatory framework from APRA is a crucial compliance aspect for financial services organisations. It emphasises the security of customer information and data, with non-compliance carrying severe penalties, reputational damage, and legal consequences.

Cyber security needs to keep pace with accelerating disruption

In the digital transformation journey, organisations must balance technology adoption with robust security measures. New infrastructure brings new risks, therefore necessitating sound resource allocation and clear accountability to ensure secure practices.

New privacy reforms: Data in the spotlight

As the Privacy Legislation Amendment takes effect, ADIs must prioritise fair and secure practices, mitigate privacy risks, and meet transparency demands to comply with the new regulations and safeguard data. Expert guidance is essential in navigating this change.

“With Experteq, the reporting that we can now produce when it comes to our information security is a world away from what we were doing before. That makes it easier for the board to have confidence that we’re doing what we need to do, to protect our members.”

Vivien Allen

CEO, Geelong Bank

“With Experteq, our customers enjoyed a smooth transition as we embraced this exciting new growth stage for Regional Australia Bank. Customer and staff feedback was excellent, and we are now better prepared for the future.”

Brad Hinton

Chief Operations Officer, Regional Australia Bank

“Digital disruption is here to stay. As a bank that prides itself on putting our members first, it was important that we provide them with secure, easy to use, on-the-go services. At the same time, we were incredibly conscious of our infrastructure operating costs which needed to be reduced.”

Scott Wall

Chief Information Officer, BankVic

“It’s not every day you hear of a core banking upgrade being delivered ahead of schedule and within budget. RACQ’s partnership with Experteq was a big part of making this happen.”

Steven Purdy

General Manager, Bank Technology RACQ

Discussion Paper

The Human Element of Cybersecurity

With cybercrime on the rise and new ways of working increasing the attack surface of most businesses, how can Mutual ADIs ramp up cyber security and ensure their organisations are protected and future-ready? We explore this and other themes in our new discussion paper.

How Experteq partners with ADIs

Deep technical and industry expertise

We provide customer-centric support with a human touch, leveraging deep industry expertise in the ADI sector to implement solutions that keep organisations compliant, relevant, and secure by applying best practices learned across the sector.

Cost efficiencies in the current climate

Amid digital shifts, ADIs must find ways to manage internal costs while keeping up with member demands and safeguarding data. We collaborate with you to provide cost-effective adaptation, streamline processes, security, and value for members.

A culture of compliance

Regulations are always evolving, posing challenges for organisations like ADIs. With deep sector experience, we ensure compliance, offering expert support in meeting standards and implementing appropriate processes.

Core operations support

We support the core operations of ADIs by providing IT support, infrastructure management, and cyber security services. We optimise operations, allowing you to focus on delivering high-quality services to your members.

Security at scale

Cyber needs are constantly evolving. We ensure scalable and adaptive security services that keep up with your growth. Our solutions detect threats, ensure compliance, and enable focus on operations, aligning with growth.

Risk mitigation

ADIs often have limited resources to dedicate to risk management. Our services are designed to evaluate and address security risks on an ongoing basis while ensuring compliance with regulations and standards.

Clients who trust us as their IT Partner

Partnering for success

We collaborate with industry-leading partners to deliver the best solutions and services for our clients’ needs.


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